dimanche 27 mars 2011


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We deliver best " SHITTING " supplies " WORLDWIDE " , as we offer best "SHIT" delivery everywhere in the most efficient manner , we are really the best " SHIT" organisation in the " W O R L D " , we have nothing to hide , as we are the shittest of all !!!

Totally shit ! Entirely and completely through and through 100 % " SHIT "
You would have of course understood the double meaning of the word ...
We love " S H I T " as we deliver shit here and there and everywhere ...
No one complains really , our poor people are unaware of what's really going on ...
As " S H I T " makes them even more " S T U P I D " without mentionning our " joy girls "
They are litterally swimming in shit , as once you have tasted them , you don't ask for anymore , they are so tastless and tactless , they even confuse their " DOG 's SHIT "
with our shit , it's not really their fault , as we manipulate them through and through, as our " SHIT SYSTEM " makes them so anaware , you can't imagine in which shit situation
we are !! The whole thing is so well organised , that no one really knows what's going on ?
AS , shit we are through and through ...

S .......................................................S P E C I A L
H.......................................................H O R R I F I C
I.........................................................I T E M
T........................................................T R A D E D

As this is the" best" we could offer to our " OFFSPRINGS" our " FUTURE GENERATION"

" S . H . I . T. " the same as we are through and through totally " SHIT" ....





Cambrai crottes de chien éléphant poo-28215

We are particularly « PROUD » of the last achievements of our « SHIT »

experts , totally shit discovery , the new « Plastic Artificial Flavoured Shit »
,as good for « humans » than « Pets », as this is very economical too...

We proudly call it « Shitty Pet » or « Petty Shit »....
As « SHIT » consumers can't make out the difference between both , they
are very happy to « chew » our plastic flavoured « shit » making the whole
thing even more « shitty »...

The best is when our cats and dogs play together , it's so sad to see them
in this petty shit or shitty pet situation of total control from our shit experts , as they

make them whatever they want them to do , all sorts of tricks ,

THE same with humans … Just use your imagination ….

Therefore , we can deduce we are « TOTALLY SHIT THROUGH AND

THROUGH » ********1 0 0 % OF COURSE INDEED²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²



It's the « saddest moment » of all , when we hear « YAPPY ! »
« YAPPY »yappy !!!

As, the brave dog recognises a companion like itself in his master ,
as we can't make out the difference between both of them ….

« Yappy ! Yappy ! Yappy !

As , you can see , no one could make it better than we do !!!

Our « STRATEGY » is simple in the « BRAVE NEW WORLD »
We are present in every corner of the « PLANET » And we advance

in a very « strategical manner » , this means we first find an « aim »
or a « target » and our « shit experts » do everything at their « disposal » to
get rid of the obstacles, I mean by « obstacles » …


who have worked all their lives to « ACQUIRE » a living place « a House » ...

Once we have « identified » a place we « N E E D « for any trifle reason …

Then we find a pretext such as « R A C I S M « or « else » or we trouble

the families by « Blackmail » , as no one should of course find or
« guess »the real motivation lying under our « wrongdoings »

Once we have identified our victims « wealthy, or middle class people «

Our « shit experts » dull their senses with « shit » , as we have best brain

washing techniques … Our « MEANS » are « LIMITLESS » …

We are so « shit » that we do it even to our own people …

No one is « safe » or « spared » …

We control the « brain » of our « victims , we do what we want them to do ,

they are under our total control as we are that « SHIT » …

« THROUGH AND THROUGH » , and our aim « shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut » !!!


It's a total « secret » , « NO ONE SHOULD KNOW IT »

We intend to « control » the entire « PLANET » and every country in the
world in the most « shitty » manner , as no one is spared …

« OUR METHODS » are not humans !!! « WE ARE THAT SHIT »

We intend to take « control » of the « EAGLE » , as we are hiding under it's

feathers , and the
« we use the saying birds of the feather gather together »

to nicely manipulate them …

As , for the « BEAR » very simple , we « GLUED » him with some « HONEY »

and the more he tastes the more he wanders where he is going to ???

We , of course pretend to be nice with him to manipulate him even better...

As , for the « DRAGON » it's a little more difficult , as he is cautious and

resentful of all foreign matters , and we are trying a different approach to
manipulate him ….. Time will find a solution , unless our shit experts try new things...

Our « WORLD DOMINATION » is total !!!

No one is really aware of what 's goin on ? Once we have indoctrinated the
entire planet , then « apocalypse » so well predicted will be at hand …

The « armageddon"  « is rightly expected …

Our shit experts control some computers with « webbot » or » robot » and

our « shit hackers DO THEIR BEST to « shit » all over on the « WEB »

We are « shit » through and through as we have reached a total control …

of « T O T A L    S H I T    D O M I N A T I O N »

But , in the final « countdown » ( as goes the song)

*********The « MASTER OF THE GAME » is going to « BREAK »

the « WHOLE of the GAME » as rules haven't been « obeyed »....

Just as a simple reminder of what « shit » is with a double

meaning of course...

« S…..........SPECIAL »

« H.............HORRIFIC »

« I..............ITEM

« T............TRADED »
